Frequently Asked Questions

Attached, you’ll find some frequently asked questions. If you don’t find the answers you’re looking for here, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

  • Yes! Most benefit plans cover sessions with a dietitian.

  • In the 12-week 1:1 program, you not only learn the tools and skills you need to manage your PCOS, but you get the accountability and support every week that is crucial to being able to stick to the new habits you will be creating. It can take a long time to make new goals a habit, and it can be overwhelming to have to do it on your own. By the end of the 12 weeks, we will have found a routine that works with your unique lifestyle, and you will have transitioned into this routine with ease.

  • Nope! You can click to apply for a free discovery call right through the website.

  • This is an informal 15-20 minute conversation for you to determine if working with me is the right fit for you! Come with all of your questions!